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British Novel I: Beginnings To 1837


Average GPA: 3.07
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 76
Number of Reviews: 0
A study of the history and development of the British novel from the beginnings to the coronation of Victoria. Novels may include, but are not limited to, works by Sidney, Behn, Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Burney, Austen and Mary Shelley. A variety of theoretical models are considered.

American Realism and Naturalism (1865-1925)


Average GPA: 3.27
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 142
Number of Reviews: 0
Investigates the rise of Realism and Naturalism (1965-1925) in American literature and the relationship between the development of these forms and the historical and cultural atmospheres from which they emerged. Authors to be studied may include Henry James, William Dean Howells, Frank Norris, Stephen Crane, Charles Chesnutt, Edith Wharton and Theodore Dreiser.

American Novel II: 1900 to the Present


Average GPA: 2.95
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 160
Number of Reviews: 0
A study of major American novels from 1900 to the present, with a focus on Realism, Modernism and Postmodernism. Authors to be studied may include, but are not limited to, Wharton, Dreiser, Faulkner, Barnes, Capote, DeLillo and Morrison.

Introduction to Engineering Design


Average GPA: 3.59
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 208
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the art and science of engineering design. Students work in teams to design, manufacture, assemble and test a product. Examples of products include a postal scale, solar cooker and human-powered water pumping systems. CAD and modeling software will also be used.



Average GPA: 2.42
Withdraw Rate: 8%
Total Enrollment: 232
Number of Reviews: 0
The equilibrium of stationary bodies under the influence of various kinds of forces. Forces, moments, couples, equilibrium, trusses, frames and machines, centroids, moment of inertia, beams and friction. Vector and scalar methods used to solve problems.

Mechanics of Materials


Average GPA: 2.95
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 103
Number of Reviews: 0
Study stress and deformation of beams, shafts, columns, tanks and other structural, machine and vehicle members. Topics include stress transformation using Mohr's circle, centroids and moments of inertia, shear and bending moment diagrams, derivation of elastic curves, and Euler's buckling formula. Complete design project related to the material.

Introduction to Enviromental Science


Average GPA: 2.94
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 553
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the interactions of living organisms and the environment, with an emphasis on human interactions. Environmental science principles, consequences of environmental pollution and resource depletion that lead to environmental degradation are presented. Global environmental challenges, such as global stratospheric ozone depletion and biodiversity loss are examined, along with air and water pollution and population issues.

Topics in Humanities/Social Sciences


Average GPA: 3.28
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 552
Number of Reviews: 0
Interdisciplinary investigation of a topic in the environmental humanities or social sciences.

Fitness Instruction


Average GPA: 3.29
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1233
Number of Reviews: 0
Learn to design and lead group exercise sessions and oneon-one personal fitness training exercise sessions offered in community and wellness settings. Demonstrate or lead exercise screening and clearance, assessment, evaluation, prescription and instruction for individualized and group exercise programming. Learn physiological and biomechanical principles related to group and individual exercise sessions as well as safety, motivation and adherence, and modifications for diverse populations. Progressive exercise programming for both individual and group exercise settings is applied through laboratory experiences. Assists in meeting the requirements to be eligible for and pass a group fitness instruction, personal fitness training, or strength and conditioning certification

Personal Finance


Average GPA: 3.41
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 1717
Number of Reviews: 0
Comprehensive survey of personal financial topics including budgeting; borrowing; savings and investments; life, health and casualty insurance; and home buying. Emphasis on lifetime economic cycle

Risk Management and Insurance


Average GPA: 3.14
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 699
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines principles and practices of asset and income conservation for businesses and individuals through various risk management techniques including insurance.

Special Topics in Finance


Average GPA: 3.4
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 36
Number of Reviews: 0
Advanced study of varying finance topics based on students' interests and needs. May substitute for finance major elective depending on the topic (see director of undergraduate studies).

Financial Institutions and Markets


Average GPA: 2.71
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 638
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines the structure and functions of depository and non-depository financial institutions, the money and capital markets, and the role of government in the financial markets.

Estate Planning


Average GPA: 3.47
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 176
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces the student to the study and application of contemporary techniques for individual estate planning. The instruction will include the estate-planning field as a profession, as well as relevant financial services industry regulation. The course covers: the personal financial planning process (budgeting, emergency fund planning, credit and debt management), personal financial statements, property titling (types and consequences), monetary settlement, property transfer at death and estate documents.

Practicum in Portfolio Management


Average GPA: 3.56
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 455
Number of Reviews: 0
Practical experience in managing an investment portfolio in a teamwork environment, with emphasis on economic, industry and company analysis; report preparation; security selection; daily decision making; record keeping; and performance evaluation. Students will be responsible for making all material decisions in managing the Perdue School Student Managed Investment Fund and interact regularly with external advisors for feedback on their research. Completion of this course satisfies the ABLE requirement.

Intermediate French


Average GPA: 3.16
Withdraw Rate: 9%
Total Enrollment: 174
Number of Reviews: 0
Continued development and refinement of language skills with emphasis on reading, writing and vocabulary development.
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