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Computer Science II


Average GPA: 2.28
Withdraw Rate: 19%
Total Enrollment: 1815
Number of Reviews: 0
Object-oriented approach to design and implementation of medium to large software projects. Abstract data types including lists, stack and queues. Emphasizes design trade-offs based on analysis of run time and storage requirements. Includes time-intensive assignments



Average GPA: 3.47
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 1053
Number of Reviews: 0
Study and practice of yoga. Focuses on sequences for strength, flexibility, and balance and techniques for breath awareness, meditation and relaxation.

Ballet I


Average GPA: 3.74
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 836
Number of Reviews: 0
ntroduction to beginning classical ballet technique. Focuses on placement and body alignment, barre work, and simple adagio and allegro movements.

Principles of Microeconomics


Average GPA: 2.27
Withdraw Rate: 6%
Total Enrollment: 8768
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the ideas and tools economists use to understand human behavior constrained by scarce resources. Analytical tools introduced include supply and demand analysis, elasticities, and models of perfect and imperfect competition. These tools will be used to study topics such as consumer and producer decision-making, taxation, environmental quality and health care.

Principles of Macroeconomics


Average GPA: 2.56
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 4911
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores forces behind business consumer purchases, capital spending and the balance of payments and their relationship to unemployment, inflation and the value of the dollar abroad. Also examines the effect of government spending, taxation and money supply policies on the economy's performance.

Learning and Assesment


Average GPA: 3.47
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 892
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines concepts, principles, theories and research related to teaching and learning for diverse populations across grade levels. Explores traditional and nontraditional strategies for assessing student learning. Field experience is included.

Classroom Visitations


Average GPA: 0
Withdraw Rate: 56%
Total Enrollment: 29
Number of Reviews: 0
ELED 309 involves students in school field placement in which they make classroom observations and/or take part in other professional activities (e.g., team planning) that are appropriate to the methods classes being taken concurrently. Plan to spend at least one hour per week in classroom observations and/or professional activities at field placement for each methods class being taken.

Developing the Young Child


Average GPA: 3.63
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 399
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides a foundation for examining, integrating and evaluating practical and theoretical issues related to constructing developmentally appropriate programs for infants and toddlers. Emphasis on infant/toddler development, quality of adult-child interactions and the physical environment. Looks at family-school-community partnerships that relate to the child's ability to develop and learn with a focus on the central role of family involvement in early childhood programs. Field experience required.

Language, Literacy and Play


Average GPA: 3.97
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 353
Number of Reviews: 0
Focuses on the development of the young child's receptive and expressive language and emergent literacy through play and a rich array of content-related activities. The teacher's role in supporting and facilitating language and literacy development and community building is examined. Issues of language and literacy diversity are also explored.

Discovery Through Interdisciplinary Studies


Average GPA: 3.79
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 343
Number of Reviews: 0
Developmentally appropriate practices and current research in early childhood curricula areas (including math, social studies and science) are emphasized through inquiry learning and the arts to engage all children, ages 4-6. Techniques in classroom management include the "responsive classroom." Field experience required.

Language Arts Instruction


Average GPA: 3.85
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1131
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces the processes of communication and strategies for promoting growth in these areas in the elementary and middle school. Emphasis on language acquisition, oral and written language development, viewing, diverse language learners, and the relationship of language proficiency to literacy development. Field experiences and reflective evaluation included

Mathematics Instruction


Average GPA: 3.61
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 918
Number of Reviews: 0
Selection and creation of meaningful mathematics learning experiences for elementary and middle school students. Attention given to use of technology, manipulatives, literature, and assessment that support mathematical thinking and learning in diverse classrooms. Field experiences and reflective evaluation included.

Science Instruction


Average GPA: 3.68
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 883
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces the processes of science that facilitate student learning in elementary and middle schools. Emphasis on planning, teaching and assessment with a focus on inquiry and understanding of everyday phenomena. Attention given to environmental education. Field experiences and reflective evaluation included.

Social Studies Instruction


Average GPA: 3.83
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 865
Number of Reviews: 0
Selection, organization, presentation and assessment of meaningful social studies learning experiences for elementary and middle school students. Attention given to technolgy, literature, and local resources that support learning in diverse classroom settings. Field experiences and reflective evaluations included.

Creative Arts Instruction


Average GPA: 3.83
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1925
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides a basic arts knowledge base along with reasons and techniques for incorporating the arts throughout the elementary and middle-school curriculum. Emphasizes infusing the art in teaching, an alternative approach to the traditional view of the arts soley enjoyable "add-ons."

Computers in Education


Average GPA: 3.73
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 706
Number of Reviews: 0
Overview of the role of computers in education. Examination of computer applications as they relate to specific teaching/learning operations and educational functions in the pre-K-12 classroom.
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