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Cardiopulmonary Physiology


Average GPA: 2.96
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 451
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of cardiopulmonary physiology with emphasis on fluid and electrolyte balance, carbon dioxide and oxygen transport, acid-base regulation and the clinical significance of each.



Average GPA: 3.1
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 548
Number of Reviews: 0
Investigation of pharmaceutical preparations employed in current medical practice with emphasis on those relevant to the respiratory care practitioner.

Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care


Average GPA: 3.78
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 441
Number of Reviews: 0
Survey of current techniques employed in the respiratory treatment of children from birth through adolescence. Special attention to neonatal physiology and abnormalities requiring respiratory care and to the pulmonary significance of select childhood diseases. Certifications in Neonatal Resuscitation and Pediatric Advanced Life Support are included.

Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics and Rehabilitation


Average GPA: 3.18
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 467
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of the theory and techniques of cardiopulmonary diagnostic procedures, interpretations and clinical applications, as well as an overview of rehabilitative respiratory care techniques.

Clinical Practicum III


Average GPA: 3.02
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 611
Number of Reviews: 0
Supervised clinical experience in critical settings with special rotations through areas focusing on intensive care techniques and neonatal/pediatric respiratory care.

Management Practices in Health Services


Average GPA: 3.97
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 402
Number of Reviews: 0
Prepares students for managerial challenges encountered by leaders and the health care practitioners in health service organizations. Topics include managerial theory, personnel interviewing, selection and maintenance, quality control, audits and budget preparation.

Inclusive Instruction for Secondary Teachers


Average GPA: 3.66
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 578
Number of Reviews: 0
Acquaints pre-service secondary school teachers with the legal, social and ethical issues that surround inclusion and prepares them with a repertoire of instructional methods associated with inclusive education for students with high incidence disabilities. Field experience required.

Introduction to Sociology


Average GPA: 2.91
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 4342
Number of Reviews: 0
Identification and analysis of basic concepts of sociology; study of inter-relatedness of structures, systems and institutions, and of the social processes by which society evolves.

Social Problems


Average GPA: 2.94
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 3685
Number of Reviews: 0
Analysis of selected social problems in contemporary society. Emphasis on sociological nderstanding of the processes by which social problems are defined.

Introduction to the Social Work Profession


Average GPA: 3.04
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 2342
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces the social work profession and provides an overview of fields of social welfare services. Explores the various professional roles social workers play in working in each field. Examines the social welfare system as a society's response to human need and structure for delivery of social services. Thirty hours of volunteer service in a social agency required.

Theoretical Analysis I: Diversity, Human Development and Inequities Across the Life Course


Average GPA: 3.27
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 2047
Number of Reviews: 0
Learn to use knowledge of human development in the environment in ethical, diversity-affirming, justice-promoting and reflective ways in advocacy and counseling practice with diverse communities. Learn a bio-psycho-social-cultural-spiritual perspective on life course development, a set of developmental theories to inform social work assessment at all levels of practice, and a critical "privilege and oppression" framework for identifying the relationship between diversity and difference and inequities in health, well-being and developmental outcomes. Learn from interactive lectures, role-plays, discussion with reflection activities and assigned readings.

Social Work Practice II


Average GPA: 3.56
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 1322
Number of Reviews: 0
Prepares students for a generalist approach to social work practice involving families and groups. Expands basic knowledge, values, ethics and skills, with emphasis on mezzo level problem solving. Includes theories and techniques for planning, assessment, direct intervention and advocacy with small groups and families.

Foundations of Research-Based Social Work Practice


Average GPA: 3.21
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 1122
Number of Reviews: 0
Research is the basis of evidence-based practice. Understanding the scientific method is an ethical obligation in social work practice. In order to ensure that social workers are practicing ethically, they need to be continually informed about the practices being used and that they are based in the research. It is incumbent upon social workers to be able to stay current and monitor trends in research that directly apply to all levels of practice. Develop the skills to locate, analyze and critically examine social science research.

Social Work and Disaster Mental Health


Average GPA: 3.72
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 156
Number of Reviews: 0
Prepares students for a generalist approach to social work with individuals, groups and communities that have experienced crisis or disasters. Expands basic knowledge, values, ethics and skills with emphasis on addressing trauma and understanding of crisis intervention and disaster mental health practice. Examines the national emergency management structure and international disaster practices.

Teen Angst: Understanding Adolescent Health and Mental Health


Average GPA: 3.34
Withdraw Rate: 10%
Total Enrollment: 138
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines trends in adolescent mental health and risk-taking behavior, from both social work and public health perspectives. Explores risk and protective factors, as well as prevention and intervention techniques.

Elementary Spanish I


Average GPA: 3.11
Withdraw Rate: 6%
Total Enrollment: 2193
Number of Reviews: 0
Beginning spoken and written Spanish with emphasis on the sound system and the basic structures of the language.
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