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Music History I


Average GPA: 2.83
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 202
Number of Reviews: 0
A historical survey of musical style from the earliest times to the present. Music History I covers music from Gregorian chant through the Baroque period. Music History II covers music from the Pre-Classical through the Modern periods. Non-Western music is also included in both classes. Analysis, listening and discussion of music in a cultural context is covered. Ability to read music is necessary.

Conducting and Score Reading


Average GPA: 3.43
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 78
Number of Reviews: 0
Application of basic conducting patterns in expressing a variety of styles, dynamics and tempi; analysis of conductor's score and rehearsal techniques in both choral and instrumental music.

Music Perception III


Average GPA: 3.33
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 152
Number of Reviews: 0
Develops the ability of the intermediate musician to visually and aurally perceive complex musical events for the purpose of accurately performing and notating them. Melodic materials explore chromatic alterations within the tonal contexts of the secondary functions and modulation. Harmonic study emphasizes secondary functions and modulations to closely related keys. Meter changes, simple metric modulations and simple polyrhythms are considered.

Musical Form and Analysis


Average GPA: 3.03
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 132
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of the organizing principles of musical composition and their application to the most prevalent forms through the sonata-allegro and fugue. Analysis of music literature illustrating the basic vocal and instrumental forms and some original composition in these forms.

Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents: A Family Centered Approach


Average GPA: 2.96
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 2125
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of theory related to nursing care of children and adolescents with acute and chronic disorders. Integrates concepts from previous courses in the natural, behavioral and nursing sciences and introduces theories of structure, development and function of families.

Maternal Newborn Nursing: A Family Centered Approach


Average GPA: 2.8
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 2359
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of theory related to nursing care of childbearing families in rural communities. Explores social and health care issues related to changing needs of women across the life span.

Nursing Leadership and Management


Average GPA: 3.28
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 512
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores roles in nursing within the health care system with particular emphasis on leadership and management functions. Provides students with a conceptual understanding of the social, political, legislative and economic forces shaping the U.S. health care system and its impact on the rural environment.

Best Practices in Nursing and Nursing Education


Average GPA: 3.83
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 434
Number of Reviews: 0
Assists nursing students in applying best practices in nursing and nursing education to individual educational programs of study. This hybrid course offers online interaction, weekly class/group meetings and opportunities for hands-on application of nursing information. Involves students in activities that increase use of evidence-based information in health care and nursing education. Focuses on strengthening students' understanding of the scientific basis of nursing, application of the nursing process in a variety of settings and success in academic pursuits.



Average GPA: 3.29
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 514
Number of Reviews: 0
Nursing interventions relating to application of pharmacotherapeutic principles in assisting client adaptation in primary, secondary and tertiary health care settings. Special emphasis on drug interactions, drug dependence, toxicology.

Critical Care: A Multi-Professional Approach


Average GPA: 3.69
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 215
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces students to collaborative critical care practice. Prepares students interested in critical care clinical practice to recognize and categorize causes of sudden deterioration of the critically ill patient. Teaches appropriate treatment and interventions for the deteriorating critically ill patient.

Beginning Swimming


Average GPA: 0
Withdraw Rate: 73%
Total Enrollment: 11
Number of Reviews: 0
Fundamental skills of swimming with emphasis on basic stroke and safety techniques.

Beginning Tennis


Average GPA: 0
Withdraw Rate: 64%
Total Enrollment: 11
Number of Reviews: 0
Fundamental skills, techniques, rules and strategy of tennis.

Canoeing and Kayaking


Average GPA: 3.89
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 193
Number of Reviews: 0
This experiential course introduces basic skills of flat water canoeing and whitewater kayaking while running rapids of moderate difficulty. Instruction covers paddling skills, equipment and selection, water reading, river tactics, trip planning, safety practices, rescue techniques, tides and currents, wind and weather and hypothermia. American Canoe Association Certification available. Course fees apply;

Wilderness Naviagation


Average GPA: 3.9
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 168
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of techniques for navigating in wilderness settings, including topographical map reading, orienteering and the use of global positioning systems. Study of alternative methods of navigation, and testing and application of skills in classroom and outdoor settings. Weekend off-campus field experience required. Course fees apply;

Athletic Coaching


Average GPA: 3.53
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 692
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the principles and practices of coaching. Emphasis on educational and motivational variables present in the medium of athletics. Three practice analysis fieldwork assignments required in 45 clinical hours.

Coaching Youth Sports


Average GPA: 3.59
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 635
Number of Reviews: 0
Prepares individuals to coach children in athletic activities. Emphasis is placed on communicating the essentials of a sport to children at an early stage of development (6-10 years old). Discussion focuses on the coach as a teacher and the influence of the coach's behavior on the outcome of sporting events and the development of the child. Assignments (including 45 hours of clinical field experience). and activities are designed to demonstrate ways to help children develop healthy bodies and positive self-images through participation in athletics; identify techniques that promote positive discipline both on and off the playing field; and plan strategies to involve parents in positive ways.
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