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America In the Great Depression


Average GPA: 3.36
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 115
Number of Reviews: 0
The songs "Brother Can You Spare a Dime" and "Happy Days Are Here Again" caught the despair and hope of Americans during the 1930s. This course considers American society, politics and culture during the 1930s. The first half explores the Crash of 1929, the social impact of the Depression, and the effectiveness of the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations in handling the national emergency. The second half explores aspects of the New Deal era: the experience of minorities, women and workers, the arts and popular culture.

African-American History from 1865


Average GPA: 2.87
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 83
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores African-American history from 1865 to present. Focuses on the struggle for acceptance, patterns of discrimination and current challenges.

Ancient Military History


Average GPA: 3.22
Withdraw Rate: 6%
Total Enrollment: 140
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores the history of the great battles and campaigns of antiquity. Emphasis is placed on developments in strategy and tactics, the lives of the men in the ranks, the careers of leaders, and the decisive nature of these conflicts on the course of history. Special attention is given to the interaction between military realities and the functioning of society as a whole.

Studies in History


Average GPA: 3.33
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 81
Number of Reviews: 0
Intensive historical study of particular periods and groups, economic, intellectual, cultural, social movements and/or institutions.

Health Behavior


Average GPA: 3.68
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 1045
Number of Reviews: 0
Examination of health behavior theories and models of behavior change. Reviews the major theories of health behavior and strategies used to implement health interventions for individuals and organizations.

Chronic and Communicable Diseases


Average GPA: 3.16
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 367
Number of Reviews: 0
Overview of chronic and communicable diseases. Examination of the processes used in modern society to assist in identification, prevention and control of disease. Emphasis placed on information and concepts required as foundation knowledge for school health educators.

Internship in Public Health


Average GPA: 3.98
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 90
Number of Reviews: 0
Practical public health education experience under the supervision of a local, professional mentor and University supervisor. A minimum of 450 supervised hours of service in a community-based health setting.

Issues in the Natural Sciences


Average GPA: 3.59
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 706
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces students to fundamental aspects of the natural sciences through a study of a particular scientific issue chosen from a range of disciplines.

Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar


Average GPA: 3.63
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 504
Number of Reviews: 0
Addresses topics that transcend individual disciplinary boundaries. Taught by professors from a wide variety of disciplines to appeal to Honors students of all majors.

Freshman Seminar


Average GPA: 3.73
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 842
Number of Reviews: 0
Focus on themes, issues and questions of importance in the liberal arts and sciences. Students must co-register for three General Education courses designated as part of the General Education learning community. Meets the objectives of the college orientation seminar.

Project Management


Average GPA: 3.59
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 808
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces students to formal project management methods, tools and processes, including scope, quality, scheduling, cost estimation, communication, risk and change management. Follows the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Although case examples focus on information systems, it can apply to any major. Includes teamwork, guest lectures from industry project leaders and software applications.

Data Mining for Business Intelligence


Average GPA: 3.74
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 506
Number of Reviews: 0
A high-growth area, data mining is used by organizations to better understand their situations as well as the world in which they function in order to devise effective strategies and policy options. Learn the concepts, software tools and related skills to help students become professional data analysts. A term project and presentation adopts a real-world, problem-solving context.

Enterprise Systems and Integrated Business Processes


Average GPA: 3.09
Withdraw Rate: 10%
Total Enrollment: 507
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines enterprise resource planning (ERP) information systems used extensively in organizations to facilitate integrated business processes. Provides a conceptual review of underlying business process implemented in ERP systems as well as hands-on use of ERP software to reinforce understanding. The roles of other enterprise systems are discussed and demonstrated.

Managerial Decision Support Systems with VBA


Average GPA: 3.62
Withdraw Rate: 18%
Total Enrollment: 156
Number of Reviews: 0
Implementation of computerized technologies to support managerial decision-making using Visual Basic for Applications to create cost-effective and impressive client deliverables. Topics include decision support approaches and expert systems as implemented in and integrated with spreadsheet business software for rapid applications development.

Security Management


Average GPA: 3.01
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 372
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides an overview of the field of information security and assurance through the application of policies, education and technologies. Learn a spectrum of security methodologies and procedures relating to risk management, firewalls and VPNs, access control, intrusion detection and prevention systems, cryptography, and physical security.

Global Information Systems Management


Average GPA: 3.56
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 608
Number of Reviews: 0
Analysis of technical, cultural, organizational and geopolitical challenges facing business and IT professionals in implementing and managing IT in an increasingly global, technological environment. Current readings and case studies are used to examine infrastructure, e-business, global teamwork, and transborder and cross-cultural information systems issues.
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