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Sports Communication


Average GPA: 2.83
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 186
Number of Reviews: 0
Places sports in a social perspective and teaches students to study and apply skills required of sportswriters, sportscasters and sports information specialists.

Public Affairs Reporting


Average GPA: 2.98
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 130
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines media coverage of public agencies and social issues while emphasizing civic journalism.

Mobile Journalism


Average GPA: 2.86
Withdraw Rate: 14%
Total Enrollment: 90
Number of Reviews: 0
Theory and practice of the production of print, broadcast and online journalism using mobile communication devices.

Media Design and Layout


Average GPA: 3.19
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 113
Number of Reviews: 0
Instruction in the principles, theories and applications of typography, layout, design, editing and production of print and electronic dissemination of business publications, newspapers, magazines, websites and other new media. The course is designed to help develop desktop printing and online publishing skills.

Advanced Audio Production


Average GPA: 3.14
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 293
Number of Reviews: 0
An intensive advanced-level audio production course. Advances the students' broad audio knowledge and production abilities in creative sound recording/mixing/ processing/editing and sound design. Emphasizes audio for media, applied media aesthetics, sound design, and creative and artistic approaches to various types of sophisticated audio production including music recording, radio production and audio for other media (video, film, new media).

Managerial Communication


Average GPA: 3.08
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 79
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of the role of the manager as a communicator at various organizational levels. Students study various communication strategies available to managers. Topics include information processing; presenting, receiving and gathering information; goal setting; decision making and change

2D Animation


Average GPA: 3.29
Withdraw Rate: 6%
Total Enrollment: 59
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the history, theory and practice of 2D animation in a variety of fields (news, documentary, advertising and dramatic narrative).

Studies in Mass Media


Average GPA: 3.11
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 94
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of various mass media concepts as they impact contemporary society. May be repeated a maximum of two times under different subtitles.

Family Communication


Average GPA: 3.33
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 180
Number of Reviews: 0
Characterization of family styles of communication as they reflect values, attitudes and perceptions of family members as a group. Examination of effects of individual communication strategies on development of family patterns of interaction. Selected readings, field research, two exams.

Political Communication


Average GPA: 3.48
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 79
Number of Reviews: 0
Studies the role of media and rhetoric in political campaigns and the political process.

Television Magazine Production


Average GPA: 3.51
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 74
Number of Reviews: 0
Attain practical, real-world experience by producing a biweekly program for SU's campus and community access channels. Create seven bi-weekly, half-hour programs (in the "soft news" genre) that highlight campus-related achievements, events and interests of students' choosing. All oncamera and behind-the-scene crew positions are filled by students.

Digital Public Relations


Average GPA: 3.6
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 52
Number of Reviews: 0
The study and practice of strategic communication principles guiding social media strategy planning, integration, monitoring and measurement over a range of platforms and its systematic application

Digital Filmmaking


Average GPA: 3.21
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 172
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores the art of filmmaking using digital technology. Requires producing a short film from script to screen. Students write, produce, direct, cast, shoot and edit a short film in a genre of their choice. Film theory and techniques are explored and applied in the production. HD equipment is used for acquisition and finishing.

Systems Software


Average GPA: 2.45
Withdraw Rate: 8%
Total Enrollment: 540
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of programming at the systems level, mostly in a UNIX environment. Topics include processes, threads, sockets, basic I/O operations, interprocess communication and use of Shell and Perl scripts.

Theory of Computation


Average GPA: 2.69
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 686
Number of Reviews: 0
Applications of discrete mathematics to computer science and introduction to the theory of computation. Topics include automata and formal languages, computability by Turing machines and recursive functions, undecidability and computational complexity.



Average GPA: 0
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 0
Number of Reviews: 0
Students work under supervisors in a local firm or public institution in conjunction with an advisor from the department.
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