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Integrated Reading and Language Arts Birth-Age 4


Average GPA: 3.78
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 454
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces nurturing, teaching and engaging of children in language acquisition and literacy processes in homes and early childhood settings. Designed for early childhood education candidates. Content deals with language development, reading, writing, speaking, listening, visualizing and visually representing for infants, toddlers and young children. Theoretical frameworks focus on brain development and early literacy research. Includes clinical experiences.

Integrating Early Childhood Curriculum


Average GPA: 3.99
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 114
Number of Reviews: 0
Explores the goals and methods for integrating an early childhood curriculum to include social studies, mathematics, science and creative arts that focus on the needs of children birth through age 5. Develops skills related to understanding, planning, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate, evidence-based curriculum for young children. Emphasis is on understanding young children's developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments that support each child. Includes clinical experiences.

Introduction to Teaching


Average GPA: 3.58
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 967
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides a comprehensive orientation to the teaching profession. The theoretical content and field-based experience help candidates gain an informed overview of the dimensions of public education in the United States. Examine and critique historical, philosophical and intellectual foundations of the American education system that includes school organization and governance, ethical and legal matters, social roles, curriculum, major trends, and current educational issues. Develop a broad understanding of teaching certification and licensure and reflect on personal interests in a teaching career.

Technology in Education


Average GPA: 3.22
Withdraw Rate: 8%
Total Enrollment: 1144
Number of Reviews: 0
Emphasizes the role of technology for teaching and learning in pre-K-6 classrooms. Provides experiences with computer-based and mobile applications. Explores traditional and emerging technologies that enhance the learning experience for students, including digital images, video, Internet and interactive technologies as a means of developing meaningful learning experiences. Addresses Maryland state technology standards for teachers as well as national technology standards for teachers and students. Includes clinical experiences.

Teaching Diverse Learners


Average GPA: 3.49
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1058
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces core concepts and contemporary perspectives in the field of special education. Explores important topics that include the history of special education, current legislation, personnel and procedures, collaboration with parents/guardians and service providers, and needs of diverse learners, including English Language Learners and those who are gifted and talented. Identifies, applies and critiques effective research-based instructional approaches to teaching learners who have different needs. Incorporates realities of inclusive practices and provides opportunities for candidates to triangulate and reflectively apply course content through clinical experiences. Emphasizes the development of a professional disposition that values human differences. Includes clinical experiences.

Building Classroom Community


Average GPA: 3.91
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 754
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines philosophical, theoretical and practical models of classroom management to develop positive learning communities and manage student behavior. Includes assessing stages of group development, analyzing use of classroom space, establishing rules and procedures, communicating effectively with stakeholders, monitoring dimensions of wellness and resiliency, and applying best strategies to create a classroom management plan. Includes clinical experiences.

Literature for Children


Average GPA: 3.83
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1032
Number of Reviews: 0
Emphasizes knowledge necessary for an appreciation and understanding of children's literature, its historical development, major genres in the field, contemporary issues, debates about children and literature written for them, and the literacy terms relevant to the study of literature written for children. In addition to reading critically acclaimed works of both fiction and nonfiction, examine poetry, folklore and digital stories and the relationship between graphic narrative and text. Includes clinical experiences.

Diversity and the Self


Average GPA: 3.86
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 778
Number of Reviews: 0
Reviews theories and aspects of cultural competence most relevant to teaching in diverse classrooms. Explores the ideals of freedom, democracy, justice, equality, equity and human dignity from the perspective of the individual. Provides experiences that heighten candidates' diversity awareness and sensitivity. Examines different kinds of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices that foster cultural and linguistic competence at the individual level. The instructor may use different medium to study the topic.

Literacy Assessment and Intervention


Average GPA: 3.89
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 922
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces and applies formal and informal literacy assessment tools that can be used to make appropriate instructional decisions for learner differences. Includes information and practices in administering research-based intervention strategies for early literacy, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and writing. Includes clinical experiences.

Literature and Film


Average GPA: 3.21
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 1174
Number of Reviews: 0
The relation of film to literature as narrative, dramatic and poetic means of expression; the translation of literary works into film.

British Literature I: Beginnings to 1660


Average GPA: 2.84
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 495
Number of Reviews: 0
Survey of British literature from the Beowulf poet to the Restoration. Readings may include, but are not limited to, The Canterbury Tales, Spenser, Marlowe and Milton.

Class Piano I


Average GPA: 3.49
Withdraw Rate: 11%
Total Enrollment: 168
Number of Reviews: 0
Group piano instruction with individual help. To develop fundamental piano skills for students with little or no piano experience. Basic skills included are reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation and compositional techniques.

Elementary School Physical Education


Average GPA: 3.7
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 961
Number of Reviews: 0
Advanced study of the developmental approach to teaching elementary physical education in the schools. Continued study of the theories and research that serve as the foundation for student learning in quality elementary physical education programs. Curriculum design and lesson development applied within practicum experiences. Emphasis is placed on teaching effectiveness through classroom management, task design, instruction and assessment techniques of elementary physical education. Includes a one day internship at an elementary physical education placement and also participation in the SU Homeschool Physical Education Program.

Secondary School Physical Education


Average GPA: 3.72
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 892
Number of Reviews: 0
Analysis of secondary school physical education teaching methods, program implementation and curricula. Emphasis on teaching effectiveness through reflective problem solving. Includes both a field-based practicum experience at a local secondary school and focused practice in the areas of quality lesson planning and effective teaching within the SU Homeschool Physical Education Program.

Contemporary Issues


Average GPA: 3.03
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 157
Number of Reviews: 0
Examines how the American political system responds to major issues facing the nation. The politics of recent issues such as civil rights, Watergate, the environment and the energy crisis, along with current issues, discussed in detail.

Political Ideologies


Average GPA: 2.66
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 354
Number of Reviews: 0
Analysis of political ideologies, emphasizing their role as both justifications for and radical critiques of existing social, economic and political structures and processes. Covers a number of ideologies, including fascism, liberalism, socialism and communism.
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