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Liberal Arts Mathematics


Average GPA: 2.78
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 4252
Number of Reviews: 0
Study of the beauty and structure of mathematics, with emphasis on quantitative and analytical reasoning skills. Various areas of mathematics or its applications will be used as a vehicle for this study. Designed for students whose major area of study does not have specific requirements in mathematics.

Calculus II


Average GPA: 2.4
Withdraw Rate: 14%
Total Enrollment: 3356
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to integrals, infinite series, applications and techniques of integration.

Applied Organizational Science


Average GPA: 3.12
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 973
Number of Reviews: 0
Use of understandings about human behavior to motivate employees to work together in harmony. Topics include fundamentals of organizational behavior, leadership and its development, organizational environment and communications, and group processes

Marketing Research


Average GPA: 3.28
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1545
Number of Reviews: 0
Collection and analysis of marketing data viewed in context of identifying the market demand (methods of decision making for marketing management). Topics include Bayesian decision theory, sampling techniques, and regression and correlation analysis.

Direct and Interactive Marketing


Average GPA: 3.49
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 312
Number of Reviews: 0
Explore direct response marketing that uses traditional and emerging tools to plan, execute and measure customer engagement and interaction. Utilizing case studies and applied learning techniques, explore and develop customer communications for direct response engagement tools such as direct mail, text, e-mail and a variety of social media platforms.

Research Methods in Nursing


Average GPA: 3.05
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 2384
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides an understanding of the research process with opportunities to develop skills in critiquing current nursing research and interpreting evidence to inform practice.

Nursing Care of Adults II


Average GPA: 2.59
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 4178
Number of Reviews: 0
Advanced study of the theory necessary for providing nursing care to seriously ill adults from illness through rehabilitation and recovery. Examines trends in provision of critical and rehabilitative care in rural settings and selected issues related to women's health.

Community Health Nursing: A Rural Perspective


Average GPA: 2.79
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 3534
Number of Reviews: 0
Focus on the theory of health of families, aggregated and communities with complex needs. Explores political, ethical, legal and sociocultural climates and theory related to the health care needs of an aging population.

Senior Seminar


Average GPA: 3.07
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 1896
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides a conceptual understanding of leadership and management processes in the health care system. Explores past, present and emerging roles of the professional nurse including political, economic and professional issues.

Assessment and Technology in Physical Education


Average GPA: 3.7
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 855
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides teacher candidates with the skills needed to design and implement assessment strategies relevant to K-12 physical education. These assessment strategies are designed for the candidate to understand the link between student assessment and student learning as well as teacher planning and physical education class content. Integrates the use of technology in physical education and physical activity, based on the ISTE standards. Lays the foundation for technology skills needed for the Physical Education EdTPA.

Introduction to Politics and Government


Average GPA: 2.72
Withdraw Rate: 7%
Total Enrollment: 2449
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the study of political science that discusses the nature of politics, the role of government in society and the processes involved in the governing of humans.

Abnormal Psychology


Average GPA: 3.09
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 2226
Number of Reviews: 1
Survey of the etiology, diagnosis and prognosis of neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic disorders, transient situational maladjustments and personality disorders, with discussions of various treatment approaches.

Cardiopulmonary Disease


Average GPA: 2.94
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 493
Number of Reviews: 0
Provides a pathophysiological presentation of cardiopulmonary disease and gives the student practitioner an understanding of disorders of cardiopulmonary structure and function as related to the clinical setting. A symptom/problem-based focus along with the development of decision trees and algorithms will assist students in understanding the pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary problems. This approach will provide the core of basic sciences and merge it with clinical subjects to reinforce learning through the acquisition of critical thinking skills based on broad, yet specific understanding of the clinical and pathologic aspects of cardiopulmonary dysfunction.

Advanced Respiratory Care


Average GPA: 2.64
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 449
Number of Reviews: 0
In-depth study of topics related to respiratory therapy in the critical care setting with laboratory experiences. Emphasis on mechanical ventilation, airway management, cardiopulmonary monitoring and cardiopulmonary assessment.

Clinical Practicum II


Average GPA: 3.41
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 915
Number of Reviews: 0
Supervised clinical experience in a variety of critical and noncritical settings designed to reinforce primary skills and develop secondary skills necessary for the practice of respiratory care.

Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Research


Average GPA: 4
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 433
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduction to the fundamentals of research related to the profession of respiratory care. The course is designed to enhance communication skills of undergraduate respiratory therapy students for the purpose of writing and presenting research related to respiratory care.
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